ESOL - Educational Services Overseas Limited

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The long-standing partnership of the American International School of Cyprus (AISC) with “Hope For Children” (HfC) continues to grow in its community impact through the activities of our student Children’s Rights Ambassadors. Ambassadors complete training in human rights through an afterschool club. Then they work to turn their training into action. In November, AISC ambassadors marked UN World Children’s Day by visiting pre-schools to inform young children about their rights. In December, they organized a sale of tote bags featuring artwork from the 2023 Children’s Rights Art Campaign to support HfC educational programs in rural schols.Over the holiday season, the Ambassadors, together with the music program, raised funds through bake sales and concerts to purchase slippers for boys under the care of HfC.  As a result of these actvities our students were received a special invitation to speak at the organization’s end-of-year press conference, proudly representing the AISC community.