ESOL - Educational Services Overseas Limited

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Construction using marshmallow and pasta.

At AISA, Design & Innovation (D&I) provides students with an open space to try new things without fear of failure. Students combine their classroom learning with their natural enthusiasm for exploration. While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic made things especially challenging, with innovation at the heart of the program, one can see opportunities where others may see obstacles! Students have risen to meet these challenges head on and continue to amaze their teachers. Driving through simulated severe blizzards, flying in a socially distanced hoop glider derby, and learning 3D design have all contributed to the success of the D&I program. Whether designing soft landing lunar probes, or improving animal adaptations, students are able to collaborate using the Internet and share their learning on myriad platforms. While there is much work to be done, the D&I team will continue to improvise, adapt, and overcome in the “new normal!”